
On Friday night, I went with two other residents from the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts to the Pioneer Theater in Nebraska City. They only show three popular films at a time. We bought a ticket to see Downton Abbey and sat through over thirty minutes of cola commercials and advertisements for tractor schools before the trailers even started. It turns out we accidentally went into the showing of Bob’s Burgers.

When we pointed out the mistake to the teenage kids at the concession stand, they had difficulty believing how we got lost. After the kids gave us lifetime passes to that movie theater, we found the correct auditorium down a labyrinthine path behind the Bob’s Burgers auditorium adjacent to a broom closet.

Since we had missed nearly 45 minutes of Downton Abbey, we decided to come back another day. On our way out, the concession stand kids were discussing the audacity of a housefly that had been bothering them all afternoon.